Zoology Department


The Faculty and Research Scholars in the Department of Zoology are engaged in research activities in the thrust area of Animal Taxonomy, Diversity of Fresh water fish, Molecular markers for identification of fish, Bio-prospection of medicinal plants, Ecology of wetlands and Environmental Biology.

List of Ph.D. Students

Sr.No. Name of the Guide Name of student Title of Research Status
1 Anil R Patil
Impact Assessment of Industrial waste on fish fauna of river Patalganga and Dharamtar creek, district Raigad, Maharashtra, India Awarded
2 Mansing A Patil
Present status of fish fauna and seasonal fluctuations in water quality of river Bhima and Unjani Resevior, western Maharashtra Awarded
3 Shaikh Abdulla
Declining Trend in fish fauna inhabiting in river Tapi from Hatnur to to backwater of Ukai dam due to anthropogenic activities in northwest Maharashtra Awarded
4 Madhusudan V Amrutsagar
Comparative studies on biodiversity and population density of zooplankton in Mehrun, Nakane and Yashwant lakes in Northwest Maharashtra Awarded
5 Harshal C Kulkarni
Comparative bioprospection of selected medicinal plants from Satpuda region on different animals Awarded
6 Sagar D Dhangar
Studies on properties of sugar. Industry effluent and their effect on ground water quality, soil biochemistry and nematodes. Awarded
7 Shoeb R Patel
Studies on genetical diversity of major carp fishes using randomly amplified polymorphic DNA markers Awarded
8 Vilas C Borole
KBCNMU/11/Ph.D./ Zoo. / 722 /2018
Bioprospection of Salacia oblonga for its Anticancer Potency on Diethylnitrosamine Induced Carcinogenic Liver Injury in Experimental Animal Working
9 Namrata D Chaudhari
KBCNMU/11/Ph.D./Zoo/1354/2018 (Supervising as Co-Guide)
Seasonal Studies On Limnological Features And its Correlation with Diversity of Fish And Birds in Hatnur Working

List of M.Phil. Students

Sr.No. Name of the Guide Name of student Title of Research Status
1 Mr.Amrutsgar M.V
Assessment of Water Quality & Icthyofauna of Tapi and Panzara Rivers in Dhulia District of Northwest Maharashtra, India Awarded
2 Miss. Patil Pushpa
Bioinformatics- Study of software tools in proteomics study Awarded
3 Mr. Kapade J. B.
Independent Component Analysis for Electroencephalogram Awarded

Research Projects

No. Principal Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Duration Status
1 Dr Prakash S Lohar Diversity of Ichthyofauna of Tapi and Aner rivers, Northwest Maharashtra UGC (WRO) 50000 2007-2009 Completed

List of Publications

  1. Prakash S. Lohar and Shubhadeep Roychoudhury . "Studies on Sublethal Toxicity of Malathion on the Haematology of Cricket Frog (Fejervarya limnocharis) " Slovak J. Anim. Sci.,Slovakia (Europe), 41, , 2 1337-9984 (2008 ).[International]
  2. P.S. Lohar, M.S.Lohar and S. Roychoudhury . "Erythropioetic Effects of Some Medicinal Plants of India on Experimental Rat Model" Slovak J. Anim. Sci.,Slovakia (Europe), 42, 95–98, 2 1337-9984 (2009 ).[International]
  3. Prakash S. Lohar and Jaytee M. Sonawane . "Evaluation of Hypoglycaemic Activity of Some Medicinal Plants of Satpuda Forest on Alloxan Induced Diabetes In Rats" Journal of Ecobiotechnology, Vol.2 ., 3 2077-0464 (2011).[International]
  4. Prakash S. Lohar,Patil Manoj A, and R.P.Patil . "Ichthyofauna of Ujani reservoir, Western Maharashtra, India.." Geobios. , 38, (2-3) 02511223 (2011).[National]
  5. Prakash S. Lohar and Patil Manoj A. "Biodiversity of fishes from Bhima River. " Bioinfolet. , 8 , (2) 0976-4755 (2011).[National]
  6. Prakash S. Lohar and Shaikh Abdullah S. . "Biochemical Composition and Gonadosomatic Index of Three Major Carps in Hatnoor Reservoir, Maharashtra, India. " Journal of Ecobiotechnology. , Vol.3 , (6) 2077-0464 (2011).[National]
  7. Prakash S. Lohar and M V Amrutsagar. "Diversity of Mollusca and Fish in Gondoor and Nakane Lakes in Dhulia, Northwest Maharashtra, India. " Journal of Ecobiotechnology. , Vol.3 , (6) 2077-0464 (2011).[National]
  8. Prakash S. Lohar . "Study of Correlation in Age, Sex, Body Mass Index and Blood Pressure of College Students" Int’l J.Science,Innovations,.Discovery, , Vol. 3 , (3) 2249-5347 (2013).[National]
  9. Prakash S.Lohar and Sandhya M. Sonawane. "Isolation and identification of pathogenic fungi from post-harvested stored grains in Jalgaon district of Maharashtra. " Biosci. Biotech. Res. Comm., Vol. 6, (2): 2321-4007 (2013).[National]
  10. Prakash S. Lohar and S.D.Dhangar. "Effect of Sugar Factory Effluent on Physico-Chemical properties and Cellulase Activity of Soil - a Case Study" International Multidisciplinary Research Journal , Vol. 3, (1) 2231-6302 (2013).[National]
  11. Prakash S. Lohar and H C Kulkarni. "Comparative Studies on Antioxidant and Antipyretic Activities of Leaf Extracts of Cassia fistula, Psida cardifolia, and Aegel marmelos. " Res.J. Biotechnology. , Vol, 9, (2) 2278-4535 (2014).[National]
  12. Prakash S. Lohar and Shoeb R Patel. "Molecular Markers For Ten Carp Fish Species Of The Genus Labeo In Tapi River Using RAPD-PCR Technique." BioSci. Biotech.Res.Comm., Vol. 7, 2 0974-6455 (2014).[National]
  13. Prakash S. Lohar andN R Purane. "Evaluation of Potential Activity of Fungi Isolated From Bagasse for Gluconic Acid Production. " International Journal for Innovative Research in Science & Technology, Volume 2 , Issue 11 2349-6010 (2016).[National]
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