Electronics Department


Department of Electronics is a recognized research laboratory, affiliated to KBC North Maharashtra University Jalgoan. The department has a well-equipped research laboratory. All the faculties of the department are actively engaged in research work. Most of the faculties of the Department are PhD. degree holder. Faculties of the department have completed research projects funded by various government funding agencies. A number of students are pursuing research work under the guidance of Prof. Dr. A. L. Chaudhari.

List of Ph.D. Students

Sr.No. Name of the Guide Name of student Title of Research Status
1 Lidhure M. N.
Development of Smart E-nose using neuro-fuzzy algorithm Working
2 Hyalinge Mahendra T
Automation of environmental chamber to monitor and control banana fruit ripening process. Working
3 Shaikh Viquar Ahmed Shaikh Ahmid
Comparative study of software tools and tunning strategies of PID controller for embedded system by algorithmic approach Working
4 Pawar Anant C
Study of clear juice in sugar manufacturing process and its correlation with Sugar quality Working
5 Lalchand B Patle
Synthesis & characterization of Nanostructured dye synthesized solar cells Awarded
6 Dr. L. B. Patle Mr. Nilesh M Gawade
To Investigate Machine Learning Algorithms to identify and classify Different Diseases affecting Pomegranate Plant Leaves and Fruit. Working
7 Dr. L. B. Patle Mrs. Poonam U. Gadgil
Advancing the Detection and Classification of Cotton Plant Diseases using Machine learning- based Algorithms Working

List of M.Phil. Students

Sr.No. Name of the Guide Name of student Title of Research Status
1 Jyoti D Patil
Development of Digital Image Processing tool for the diagnosis of eye infection using MATLAB Awarded

Research Projects

No. Principal Investigator Title of the Project Funding Agency Amount Duration Status
1 Prof.L. B. Patle Engineering the Band gap of nanostructured TiO2 by metal doping for the application of solar cell UGC 205000 2014 to 2016 Completed
2 Prof.L. B. Patle Study of Optical and Morphological Properties of Nanostructured Pure and Transition Metal Doped TiO2 Thin film Using CBD Method VCRMS KBC NMU Jalgaon 50000/- 2016 to 2018 Completed
3 Dr.K.D.Gaikwad “Wireless operated Token Counter System for Auto Queuing Purposes” KBCNMU Jalgaaon 50000 2015-2017 submitted
4 Dr. A. L. Chaudhari Development of Fiber Optic Sensor for Chemical Analysis UGC WRO Pune 41000 2001-2003 Completed

List of Publications

  1. L.B.Patle, A. Kshirsagar, P.Warade,M.G.Lanjewar. "PC Based dielectric constant measurement technique of solid material (Wood)" Journal of Instrumentation Society of India, 40, 4 (2010).[International]
  2. Lanjewar M.G, Korde M.S., Adgaonkar C.S., Patle L.B., Wakodikar R.D. . "Error Correction using ART -1" Journal of Instrumentation Society of India, 40, 2 (2010).[International]
  3. M.G. Lanjewar, S.M.Sawarkar, C.S. Adgaonkar, L.B. Patle and A.B. Khobragade, . "PC Based dielectric constant measurement of solid material (Rubber) at X-Band" Journal of Instrumentation Society of India, 40, 3 (2010).[International]
  4. L.B. Patle, P.K. Labhane, A.L. Chaudhari. "Structural UV and IR Study of ZnO nanoparticles Synthesized by Hydrothermal Process" International Journal of Researches in Biosciences Agriculture adn Technology , , 1 2347-517x (2015).[International]
  5. P. K. Labhane, V. R. Huse, L. B. Patle, A. L. Chaudhari, G. H. Sonawane. "Synthesis of Cu Doped ZnO Nanoparticles: Crystallographic, Optical, FTIR, Morphological and Photocatalytic Study" Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering, 3, doi.org/10.4236/msce.2015.37005 (2015).[International]
  6. L. B. Patle, P. K. Labhane, V. R. Huse, A.L. Chaudhari. "Structural Analysis of Cu Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles using Williamson-Hall Method" International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, 1, 5 2394-4099 (2015).[International]
  7. V.R. Huse, P.K. Labhane, L.B. Patle, P.W. Khirade and S.P. Kamble. "Synthesis and Characterization Of SnS Naoparticles Sensitized ZnO Nanorods And Its Photocatalytic Acivity Under UV Irradiation" BIONANO FRONTIER, 8, 3 2320-9593 (2015).[International]
  8. L. B. Patle, A. L. Chaudhari. "Performance of DSSC with Cu Doped TiO2 Electrode Prepared by Dip Coating Technique" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 7, 8 2229-5518 (2016).[International]
  9. P.K. Labhane, L.B. Patle, V.R. Huse, G.H. Sonawane, S.H. Sonawane. "Synthesis of reduced graphene oxide sheets decorated by zinc oxide nanoparticles: Crystallographic, optical, morphological and photocatalytic study" Chemical Physics Letters, 661, doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2016.08.041 (2016).[International]
  10. L. B. Patle, P. K. Labhane, V. R. Huse, K. D. Gaikwad, A. L. Chaudhari. "Synthesis and structural analysis of Fe doped TiO2 nanoparticles using Williamson Hall and Scherer Model" AIP Conference Proceedings, 1953,, 030045 doi: 10.1063/1.5032380 (2018).[International]
  11. P. K. Labhane, L. B. Patle, V. R. Huse, G. H. Sonawane. "Synthesis of Ce doped ZnO nanoparticles coupled with graphene oxide as efficient photocatalyst for the degradation of dye under day light" AIP Conference Proceedings, 1953,, 030008 doi: 10.1063/1.5032343 (2018).[International]
  12. P.K. Labhane, L.B. Patle, G.H. Sonawane, S.H. Sonawane. "Fabrication of ternary Mn doped ZnO nanoparticles grafted on reduced graphene oxide (RGO) sheet as an efficient solar light driven photocatalyst" Chemical Physics Letters, 110, 0009-2614 , doi.org/10.1016/j.cplett.2018.08.066 (2018).[International]
  13. K.D.Gaikwad,P.B.dahikar. "“ A ZigBee Network Technology for Weighing Scale System”" International Journals Of Advances in Management, Technology and EngineeringSciences ISSN (2249-7455) , Vol 1, 4 2220-2222 (2012).[National]
  14. K.D.Gaikwad,P.B.Dahikar. "Design and Development of Novel Weighing Scale System” " International Journals Of Engineering Research and Technology, 2, 5 2278-0181 (2013).[International]
  15. K.D.Gaikwad P.B.Dahikar. "Development of Digital Weighing Scale for Finding Adulteration & Cost Standardization”" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research(IJSER) , 5, 10 2229-5518 (october 2014).[International]
  16. K.D.Gaikwad P.B.Dahikar. "A Review of Wireless Technology" International Journal Management Science & Technology (IJMST), 5, 6 2250 – 1959 (2014).[International]
  17. K.D.Gaikwad P.B.Dahikar. "“Digital Weighing Scale using wireless technology for cost standardization”" Kamla Nehru Journal of Science & Technology (KNJST-2015), , 1, 1 978-93-81432-97-6 (2015).[National]
  18. K.D.Gaikwad P.B.Dahikar. "“A Novel Role of IQAC as Catalytic Agent in Quality Improvement of Higher Education" NAAC sponsored National seminar on NAAC Re Assessments: A time for Institutional Introspection, 1, 1 (2016).[National]
  19. K.D.Gikawd P.B.Dahikar. "An Analysis of IEEE Standards Bluetooth, Zigbee and WiFi in Wireless sensor Network” " Journals of Research in Electronics (SPEED) , , 2349-8226 (2016).[National]
  20. P.B.Dahikar K.D.Gaikwad. "Low cost Thermoluminescence Dosimetry interfaced with Tablet" Journals of Research in Electronics (SPEED), , 2349-8226 (2016).[National]
  21. U.S.Sonawane,K.D.Gaikwad. "“Mole Fraction Dependance of Electron Confinement in ZnO/MgxZn1-xO and ZnO/BexZn1-xO" Journals of Research in Electronics (SPEED), , 2349-8226 (2016).[National]
  22. K.D.Gaikwad P.B.Dahikar. "Wireless Implantable Medical Devices " Proceeding of CSIR sponsored National conference on Biomedical Instrumentation Related Computerized Hardware & Software (NCBICHS-2017, , 978-93-81432-56-3 (2017).[National]
  23. K.D.Gaikwad. "An Impact of Cyber Crime on Cyber World & its Preventions”" A National Journals of Commerce, Management & Social Sciences , 1, 7 2250-2025 (2017).[National]
  24. L.B.Patle,P.K.Labhane,V.R.Huse,K.D. Gaikwad,. "15. “Synthesis and structured analysis of Fe doped TiO2 nanoparticles using Williamson Hall and Scherer Model" American Institute of Physics(AIP),, 2017, Doi:10.1063/1.5032380 ().[International]
  25. K.D.Gaikwad P.B.Dahikar. "16. “Finding Adulteration of Food Grains with Novel Digital Weighing Scale" Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems 34, Springer, , doi.org/10.1007/978-981-10-8198-9_49 (2018).[National]
  26. A. L. Chaudhari, A. D. Shaligram. "Multi-wavelength Optical Fiber Liquid Refractometry Based on Intensity Modulation " Sensors and Actuators A , 100, 0924-4247 (2002).[International]
  27. A. L. Chaudhari, A. D. Shaligram. "A PC Based Test Bench for Refractometric Fiber Optic Chemical Sensors " African journal of Science & Technology , 9, 2 (2008).[International]
  28. T. N. Gorude, A. D. Shaligram, A.L. Chaudhari, . "Fiber Optic Sensors for the measurement of Concentration & refractive index of liquids based on Intensity modulation" International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference series , 6, 2010- 1945 (2012).[International]
  29. A. L. Chaudhari, A. D. Shaligram. "Simulation and Experimental studies of an Extrinsic fiber optic Sensor for Liquid refractometry" Optik-International Journal for Light and Electron Optics, 124, 17 0030-4026 (2013).[International]
  30. Jyoti Patil,A. L. Chaudhari,. "Tool for the Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy using Enhancement method in DIP" International Journal of Applied Information Systems (IJAIS), 3, 2249-0868 (2012).[International]
  31. Jyoti Patil,A. L. Chaudhari,. "Detection of Diabetic Retanopahy Using Sobel edge detection method in DIP" International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 3, 7 2229-5518 (2012).[International]
  32. Jyoti Patil,A. L. Chaudhari,. "Development of Digital Image Processing using Fuzzy Gaussian Filter Tool for Diagnosis of Eye Infection" International Journal of Computer Applications, 51, 19 0975 – 8887 (2012).[International]
  33. Jyoti Patil , A. L. Chaudhari,. "Intensity Observation of Conjunctivitis using DIP," International Journal of Applied Information Systems , Volume 4, no 4 2249-0868 (2012).[National]
  34. L.B. Patle, A. L. Chudhari.. "Structural, UV and IR study of ZnO Nanoparticles synthesized by Hydrothermal Process." International Journal of Research in Bio-science, Agriculture & Technology, , no 1 2347-517X (Feb 2015).[International]
  35. L.B. Patle, A. L. Chudhari.. "Synthesis of Cu Doped ZnO Nanoparticles: Crystallographic, Optical, FTIR, Morphological and Photocatalytic Study " Journal of Materials Science and Chemical Engineering , , no 3 2327-6053 (2015).[National]
  36. Shaikh V. , A. L. Chaudhari.. "Development of Microcontroller Based Tool for Effective Learning of Concepts in Control System " International Journal of Electronics and Communication Engineering , , no 9 2348-8549 (September 2015).[National]
  37. L.B. Patle, A. L. Chudhari.. "Structural Analysis of Cu Doped TiO2 Nanoparticles using Williamson-Hall Method." International Journal of Scientific Research in Science, Engineering and Technology, volume 1, no 5 2395-1990 (2015).[International]
  38. A.L. Chaudhari. "Development of Fiber Optic pH Meter Based on Colorimetric Principle" Indian Journal of Pure and Applied Physics, volume 40, 0019-55961 (Feb 2002).[National]
  39. A.L. Chaudhari. "Optical fiber Brix Refractometer for the measurement of the Brix Molasses" Journal of Instrumentation Society of India, Volume 34, no 3 & 4 (2001).[National]
  40. Vrushali shelke, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Optoelectrical characterization of transparent conducting sand dune shaped In doped ZnO nanostructures" Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 560, (2013).[International]
  41. Vrushali Shelke, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Effect of open air annealing on spin coated aluminum doped ZnO nanostructures" Materials chemistry and physics, 141, 1 (2013).[International]
  42. Vrushali Shelke, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Electrical and optical properties of transparent conducting tin doped ZnO" Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Electronics, 23, 1 (2012).[National]
  43. B K sonawane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Structural, optical and electrical properties of cadmium zinc oxide films for light emitting devices" Journal of physics and chemistry of solid, 72, 12 (2011).[International]
  44. B. K. Sonawane, M.P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Effect of Magnesium incorporation in Zinc oxide films for optical waveguide applications" Physica B: Condensed Matter, 405, 6 (2010).[International]
  45. M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Effect of annealing temperature on optical constants of ZnO films" Journal of Physics and Chemistry of Solids, 70, 2 (2009).[International]
  46. B. K. Sonwane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Structural, optical and electrical properties of post annealed Mg doped ZnO films for optoelectronics applications" Optical and Quantum Electronics, 41, 1 (2009).[International]
  47. Vrushali P. Shelke, B. K. Sonawane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Effect of annealing temperature on optical and electrical properties of aluminum doped zinc oxide film" Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 355, 14-15 (2009).[International]
  48. Ujwala Zope, E. P. Samuel, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Optical field distribution in ZnO/MgZnO quantum dot nanostructure at 375 nm wavelength" Physica E, 42, (2009).[International]
  49. B. K. Sonawane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Structural, optical and electrical properties of MgZnO ternary alloy films" Material Science and Semiconductor Processing, 12, (2009).[International]
  50. B. K. Sonawane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Synthesis and characterization of nanocrystalline MgZnO films deposited by spin coating method" Journal of Optoelectronic Advanced Materials, 11, 11 (2009).[International]
  51. B. K. Sonawane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Single crystalline a-axis in Mg doped ZnO thin films prepared by sol gel technique for optoelectronics applications" Material Science forum, 638-648, (2009).[International]
  52. M. P. Bhole, E.P.Samuel, D.S. Patil. "Numerical Simulation of Optical Confinement in ZnO based Heterostructure Waveguide at 375 nm Wavelength" International Journal of Modern Physics B,, 22, 12 (2008).[International]
  53. M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Single Crystalline a-axis ZnO thin films deposited by sol gel method for optoelectronics devices" Modern Physics Letters B, 22, 685-691 (2008).[International]
  54. M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Deposition of non-polar a-axis nano-crystalline ZnO thin films for light emitting applications" Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials – Rapid Communication, 1, 12 (2008).[International]
  55. M. P. Bhole, E.P.Samuel, D.S. Patil. "Analysis of Near and Far field intensities in ZnO based heterostructure waveguides”" Journal of Modern Optics, 55, (2008).[International]
  56. B. K. Sonawane, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Influence of post annealing on the structural and optical properties of MgZnO films" Optoelectronics and Advanced Materials–Rapid Communication, 2, 6 (2008).[International]
  57. E. P. Samuel, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Patil. "Mode confinement and near field intensity analysis in GaN based blue-green laser diode" Semiconductor Science and Technology, 21, (2006).[International]
  58. Author links open overlay panelVrushaliShelkeM.P.BholeD.S.Patil. "Open air annealing effect on the electrical and optical properties of tin doped ZnO nanostructure" Solid State Sciences, 14, 6 (2012).[International]
  59. M. S. Kale, Y. R. Toda, M. P. Bhole, D. S. Bhavsar. "Structural, optical and thermo electric properties of nanostructured vaccum evaporated CdS thin films" Electronic Material Letters, 10, 1 (2014).[International]
  60. Dr.Kunal Gaikwad. "A Study of Threats and Preventive Measure for Social Media Networking Sites (SMNS) and WhatsApp," Journal of Information and Computational Science,, 10, 3 1548-7741 (2020).[International]
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